How to gradually lighten your natural hair colour

So this tutorial is for anyone that has 100% natural hair colour.

A lot of people will not colour their hair for a year and believe this means that their hair is natural but it’s not.

the only way you can lighten your hair gradually using this technique is if you have no colour on your hair what so ever and if that is you ? this is a really nice, soft and natural way to step into the world of colour.

This would would be suitable for maybe a teenager that wants to lighten their hair a little bit doesn’t want the maintenance that can come with colouring your hair.

Even though this process is very natural and gentle, it is still using peroxide so it’s always extremely important that you skin test before doing this.

I am using L’Oréal Castings gloss here so make sure your follow the skin test procedure on the back on the box.

Each brand may vary so do check each individual product.

When doing this technique your hair will only lift up one or two levels so even if you pick a L’Oréal casting that’s 5 shades lighter than your natural hair you will still only achieve 2 levels of lift so it’s all pretty safe.

It is always important to know that when you are lightening your hair that you will go through the natural lightening process which means that the tones will always lift to a warmer shade first.

Any other questions then please do put them in the comments of this post !

ColourJoe JonesComment