How to apply a toner

Knowing how to apply a toner is very important especially after bleaching as your hair will be very porous.

This basically means that your hair is now a sponge that will drink up very quickly what you put in it.

Firstly always apply your toner to damp hair !!
what this does is…

1. Make it easier to spread the product evenly throughout the hair.

2. You are using a toner so the damp of the hair will water down any peroxide in the product so that you are simply taking the tone from the colour and not over processing your hair.

Most people don’t know that I’m salon the product we use as “toner” is actually a normal hair colour that is left on just for a minute or two.

Depending on what result you are after, you would usually pick a colour that begins with 7/8 or 9 and ends with 1/2 or 3.

To help you know and understand what to choose always gays go back to the colour wheel which I will explain further in another tutorial.

Happy Toning : )

ToningJoe JonesComment